Monday 28 March 2011

Props, Makeup and Costume


We used a basic selection of props and make up in our production.

The reason behind this is because we wanted to give our film a more stripped back feel and props didn't play a big part in the storyline.

One of our props was the use of fake blood. We decided to create our own fake blood opposed to buy it prepared as it gave us the chance to choice what type of consistency we wanted it to be.

To create the fake blood we used;
  • Red food colouring
  • Blue food colouring
  • Golden syrup
  • Water
  • Flour

This was our end result, a product that was easy to make and looked like real blood.

Another prop we decided to make ourselves was guts for the dead person. These also were made simply. We made these guts from soaking rolled up kitchen tissue in fake blood.

Here is a picture of our home made fake guts on Jack who played the dead person.

Make up

Originally we intended to use more make up than in our final product than we actually did. 

The first time we filmed we had more make up on our zombies and they looked like this: 

This look was achieved by using tissue, glue and paint. The problem with this look was that the actresses couldn't move their face and make good facial expressions due to the amount of glue and tissue which was on their faces. Also the actresses identities weren't too distinguishable with this amount of makeup covering their faces. After we also decided the colour wasn't appropriate. We also thought as a group that the zombies didn't show up on camera as well as we wanted them too. After looking at all these disadvantages we decided to change the way we used make up on the actors who played the zombies.

It was then we decided to go for a more toned down make up look. In our final product our zombie looks like this:

With this look it gave more of a 'just dead' look which was more appropriate. Also this makeup look was easier for the actress to make facial expressions as this makeup look consisted of mineral powder and fake blood. The advantage of this makeup look was that it was more thought out compared to the first. Also with this look it was easy to apply to the actor who was playing the dead person. Just with the other actor the makeup was lighter so there was a link between the dead person and then the dead person becoming a zombie which is shown at the end of our opening.


For our choice of costume we decided to choose simple items which had good representations.

For one of the role of Kate we had the actress dressed in a white t shirt, with a red one over the top paired with jeans and converse shoes. These items each had connotations behind them. The white t shirt symbolised the character's purity, innocence and naivety. Whereas the red shirt which was placed over the white shirt symbolised impending danger and how she was the cause of this as it is her idea to go into the woods. The jeans were used to show her youthfulness as were the shoes.

The character of Leo's costume was also used in the same way. He wore a white t shirt which showed he was a pure and good character but when he later put on a black hoodie this also shown the danger which would unfold ahead.

When it came to the character of the zombie we decided to go with a very 'teenage' look by putting the actress in a costume consisting of a black hoodie with the word 'DEAD!' on it; which was also ironic as the character is dead; jeans and some plain shoes. The costume can be seen as one typical to be worn by a teenager.

For the character of the dead person we decided to choose a white shirt which was torn. This showed how his purity had been ripped away from him by the zombie. With the fake blood on the shirt also it showed danger and death.

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