Tuesday 8 March 2011

The Pitches

As a group we had to come up with a few pitches for film ideas. We had to create a pitch for each of the three genres.

During this we cast the roles with celebrities, this would then change when we decided to go through with one idea which would become our finished film opening.

Our idea for a rom-com was one which broke the conventions of the genre. The reason we decided to break conventions with our idea was because many film which break conventions can potentially be incredibly successful. For the lead roles we cast Colin Firth; an actor renown for his roles in various rom-coms; and Robert Pattinson; an up and coming actor in rom-com films. The story we decide to go with for our rom-com pitch was that the two lead men became a homosexual couple. We decided to make this pitch as many rom-coms only consist of heterosexual couples, which can be seen as odd as part of the target audience for rom-coms are gay men. The story we decided to pitch was that Daniel (Pattinson) is a young self made millionaire who hires a new experienced middle age assistant George (Firth) who's marriage is breaking down due to his sexuality and his life isn't going well either. After a few months working together the two men begin to realise their feelings for each other and fall in love.

The thriller pitch we came up with an idea which included the actresses Angelina Jolie and Anne Hathaway. This pitch was that Sarah (Jolie) traumatised by the death of her boyfriend becomes a psychopathic killer. Her sister Alexis (Hathaway) is the detective on the murder case trying to find the killer. But little does Alexis know that the killer is her own sister.

The horror pitch we came up with had the main roles played by Blake Lively and Malin Akerman. The story we went with is that an experiment made by young scientist Ava (Lively) goes terribly wrong. While Ava is trying to find a cure for Elena (Akerman) her experiment goes wrong and she creates a terrible disease which turns Elena into an undead zombie. The virus is leaked from the lab and starts to infect the residents near the lab.

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