Monday, 17 January 2011

Romantic Comedy Mood Board

This is an image of a couple about to embrace in a kiss, I thought this was a good image to have in my moodboard. Also the actor in this picture is Colin Firth, an actor well reknown for his participation in romantic comedies over the years. This particular shot is from the film Love Actually.

The image of flowers is a stereotypical of romantic comedies. The symbolisim of the flowers are love which is further backed up by the choice of colour.

I decided to include these images of an engagement ring and bride and groom as another cliche of a romantic comedy is that there is usually some sort of involvment of a wedding, be this a protagonist's dream to get married or another charactor actually getting married.

I decide to include images of chocolate covered strawberries and a box of chocolates in my mood board because these items give off a romantic feel. These are also used frequently in the romantic comedy genre as they are ofcourse meant to be romantic.

There are pictures of couples in my mood board as these are part of the foundation of a romantic comedy as there is always a couple, but they are often single before meeting during the film. These two images are of a young teen couple and Drew Barrymore and Hugh Grant. A descision behind this choice is as some films decide to use different age groups for their protagonists.

I chose to include the images of these two actors as they are in various romantic comedies. Colin Firth has been in many British romantic comedies, such as Bridget Jones' Diary , Bridet Jones' Diary: Edge of Reason and Love Actually. Whereas Jennifer Aniston has been in various American romantic comedies. Her titles include The Break-Up, He's Just Not That Into You and The Bounty Hunter.

These images are on my mood board as they are typical locations for romantic comedies to be set. Often they are set in the city but have scenes at a countryside location.

The reason this image is in my mood board is because hands symbolise unity and in romantic comedies there is always a couple who become united by the end.

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